Have you ever wondered what a woman
really wants from a man she is dating?
Here's what I know...
1. A woman wants a man to make her feel like a woman. This means that even if you are dating a powerhouse woman -- a CEO of a company, a notable woman or just a woman with a big and bossy personality -- she still wants to feel like the woman in the relationship with you being the man.
2. A woman wants a man to notice when she spent the time to look pretty. A lot of men think women pay attention to fashion, buy expensive shoes and spend time getting ready so that other women will notice. And yes, this is true but, at the same time, she actually cares more about dressing pretty for you, her guy. She needs you to notice and not just notice in your head but notice by telling her, out-loud and often.
3. In that same vein, a woman wants a man to compliment her and compliment her often. Women by nature are