Thursday, October 28, 2010

Samantha's Book Pick- Speaking is everything

How to Give  Pretty Good Presentation by TJ Walker

I don't know about you, but I can always get a few public speaking tips from a Master. I speak at conferences, events and on the phone all the time and I think I am good, but I could always be better. Everyone could. Enter TJ Walker, he has been coaching famous people on their public speaking for years. And now he has written a book as he says, "a speaking survival guide... for the rest of us." There are great tips in here that are helpful whether you speak at Fortune 500 events or you are just trying to get your children to take you more seriously. My favorite tip is if you feel like you are losing your audience, address someone by name and ask a series of questions so that they become reengaged in the talk. Definitely worth a read!