completely bare
How much time do you spend a week grooming yourself? Between your blowout, your facial, your nails and toes and shaving, I am betting at least 24 hours. And with shaving, we think that it is easier than going through with the laser hair removal down there because it seems quicker, it's less expensive and less painful. However, the fact of the matter is, if we could remove the hair down there once and for all, wouldn't life be grand? Shower time would be shorter, no more ingrown hairs and boyfriends all over would be perpetually happy. That's where completely bare comes in. Don't let the name fool you or scare you, you can go as bare or not bare as you dare; it's your choice but letting them permanently remove that stuff down there is the right choice to make. They have locations all over the city-it's private, it's pleasant and their technicians keep it simple and painless because they have a magical lotion that helps a lot. The first time is scariest but after that, it's smooth sailing. And when you are finished you will be so happy that you did it that you might reward yourself with a Vajewel or a Vatoo. I bet now, I really have your attention!!